TSO Wiki.eu

Upload a tactical map

Submitted tactical maps will be added twice a week (within ~4 days) to the "player maps" tab of the respective adventure.

If you have already submitted a map in the past, use the same author/email combination to add the new submission to your previously chosen author name (the avatar will be reused or updated if you choose a different one).

Please enter all available information, even if this information is present in your image file! It is possible – and recommended if you upload attacks – to save a backup to your device (just in case something goes wrong).

* required

Select an adventure

Combat buffs

Required generals

Configure the General

Skills: 0/21

    Required battle buffs

    Required units


    Required resources


    Coop adventures:

    Optional information

          Garrisons & arrows

          1. Drag garrisons on the map to the correct location.
          2. No arrow is displayed, if the distance between two camps is too short or the camp is "defeated by the attack on the next camp".
          3. The selected enlargement for your attacks (slide control bottom right) will be set as default for your map.

          Camps & attacks

          1. Your camps and attacks will be deleted if you change the adventure or reload/close this site!
          2. To add a camp, click on a camp on the adventure map.
          3. To automatically set sensible default values for garrison and arrow, add a garrison first and then all camps you want to attack from this garrison in the correct order.
          4. As soon as you have added an attack to a camp, you can cycle through all of the 16 available positions around the camp by clicking on it.
          5. You cannot add attacks to a camp that is "defeated by the attack on the next camp"; add potential losses to the subsequent camp instead.
          6. Before you send in your tactical map: click on "Add/update arrows" and check the map.

            Select your avatar

            Tactical map*

            Maximum file size: 4 MB
            Image formats: PNG, WebP, JPEG, AVIF

            Configure the attack wave


              Configure the battle buff


              Settings are saved in your browser's cache.

              Used to automatically display the content that matches your level in the game.