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Weekly Challenges

Weekly challenges are available from level 26 and their difficulty increases with your level. After receiving a challenge quest, randomly selected by the game from the four available challenges, you have to complete it within 7 days to receive a reward. Every challenge quest has six subquests, three of which require you to deliver items produced in the Provision House to the Foreign Ship, which always appears at the left upper corner of sector 1.

Completing a challenge quest and its subquests rewards Experience Points and Tokens, which you can use to upgrade certain residences to increase your population limit. After completion – or running out of time – you immediately receive a new weekly challenge. Consequently, you can complete more than one “weekly” challenge per week.

Players on level 80 receive Star Coins from completed quests instead of Experience Points: 1 Star Coin per 1000 Experience Points (the resulting value will be rounded up).

    1. Epidemic

      • 530 Experience Points
      • 5 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.


        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        First Treatment

        • 90 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Food Supply

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Produce at least 3650 Water.
        • Pay 7300 Water from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1150 Bread.
        • Pay 2300 Bread from your storage.
        • Produce at least 650 Brew.
        • Pay 1300 Brew from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1450 Fish.
        • Pay 2900 Fish from your storage.

        Second Treatment

        • 190 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        The Cure

        • 240 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 8 Adventure Search (short) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Traitors.
        • Gather or produce 235 Coins.
        • Pay 235 Coins from your storage.

        Third Treatment

        • 240 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    2. Epidemic

      • 4400 Experience Points
      • 7 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.


        • 980 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        First Treatment

        • 970 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Food Supply

        • 1400 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 10100 Water.
        • Pay 20200 Water from your storage.
        • Produce at least 3100 Bread.
        • Pay 6200 Bread from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1880 Brew.
        • Pay 3760 Brew from your storage.
        • Produce at least 3000 Fish.
        • Pay 6000 Fish from your storage.

        Second Treatment

        • 1400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        The Cure

        • 2000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 9 Adventure Search (medium) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Outlaws.
        • Gather or produce 455 Coins.
        • Pay 455 Coins from your storage.

        Third Treatment

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    3. Epidemic

      • 25000 Experience Points
      • 9 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.


        • 6300 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        First Treatment

        • 5500 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Food Supply

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 27200 Water.
        • Pay 54400 Water from your storage.
        • Produce at least 7000 Bread.
        • Pay 14000 Bread from your storage.
        • Produce at least 5200 Brew.
        • Pay 10400 Brew from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1520 Sausages.
        • Pay 3040 Sausages from your storage.

        Second Treatment

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        The Cure

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 8 Adventure Search (long) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: Wild Mary.
        • Gather or produce 885 Coins.
        • Pay 885 Coins from your storage.

        Third Treatment

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    4. Epidemic

      • 67000 Experience Points
      • 11 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.


        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        First Treatment

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Food Supply

        • 22000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Produce at least 75000 Water.
        • Pay 150000 Water from your storage.
        • Produce at least 24000 Bread.
        • Pay 48000 Bread from your storage.
        • Produce at least 17000 Brew.
        • Pay 34000 Brew from your storage.
        • Produce at least 4700 Sausages.
        • Pay 9400 Sausages from your storage.

        Second Treatment

        • 22000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        The Cure

        • 30000 Experience Points
        • 5 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 7 Adventure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Ali Baba and the First Thief.
        • Gather or produce 2800 Coins.
        • Pay 2800 Coins from your storage.

        Third Treatment

        • 30000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    5. Epidemic

      • 190000 Experience Points
      • 14 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.


        • 42000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        First Treatment

        • 43000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Food Supply

        • 65000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Produce at least 175000 Water.
        • Pay 350000 Water from your storage.
        • Produce at least 54000 Bread.
        • Pay 108000 Bread from your storage.
        • Produce at least 68000 Brew.
        • Pay 136000 Brew from your storage.
        • Produce at least 11000 Sausages.
        • Pay 22000 Sausages from your storage.

        Second Treatment

        • 71000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        The Cure

        • 82000 Experience Points
        • 6 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 8 Adventure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Ali Baba and the Treasure of Wisdom.
        • Gather or produce 3600 Coins.
        • Pay 3600 Coins from your storage.

        Third Treatment

        • 86000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

    1. Kingdom Defence

      • 530 Experience Points
      • 5 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Resource Delivery

        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Produce at least 830 Bronze.
        • Pay 1660 Bronze from your storage.
        • Produce at least 5800 Pinewood.
        • Pay 11600 Pinewood from your storage.
        • Produce at least 215 Iron.
        • Pay 430 Iron from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1100 Wheat.
        • Pay 2200 Wheat from your storage.

        First Recruitment

        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Strategy Exercise

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 10 Treasure Search (medium) task(s).
        • Complete 1 adventure(s) from the following list: The Buccaneer Roundup.
        • Gather or produce 170 Coins.
        • Pay 170 Coins from your storage.

        Second Recruitment

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Graduation Ceremony

        • 230 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Third Recruitment

        • 230 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    2. Kingdom Defence

      • 4400 Experience Points
      • 7 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Resource Delivery

        • 970 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Produce at least 660 Iron.
        • Pay 1220 Iron from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2850 Wheat.
        • Pay 5700 Wheat from your storage.
        • Produce at least 3000 Hardwood.
        • Pay 6000 Hardwood from your storage.
        • Produce at least 230 Steel.
        • Pay 460 Steel from your storage.

        First Recruitment

        • 980 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Strategy Exercise

        • 1400 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 9 Treasure Search (long) task(s).
        • Complete 1 adventure(s) from the following list: Raiding the Raiders.
        • Gather or produce 330 Coins.
        • Pay 330 Coins from your storage.

        Second Recruitment

        • 1500 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Graduation Ceremony

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Third Recruitment

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    3. Kingdom Defence

      • 25000 Experience Points
      • 9 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Resource Delivery

        • 5800 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 7000 Wheat.
        • Pay 14000 Wheat from your storage.
        • Produce at least 5500 Hardwood.
        • Pay 11000 Hardwood from your storage.
        • Produce at least 550 Steel.
        • Pay 1100 Steel from your storage.
        • Produce at least 90 Titanium.
        • Pay 180 Titanium from your storage.

        First Recruitment

        • 5900 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Strategy Exercise

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 6 Treasure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Tomb Raiders.
        • Gather or produce 670 Coins.
        • Pay 670 Coins from your storage.

        Second Recruitment

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Graduation Ceremony

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

        Third Recruitment

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    4. Kingdom Defence

      • 67000 Experience Points
      • 11 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Resource Delivery

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 1300 Exotic Wood.
        • Pay 2600 Exotic Wood from your storage.
        • Produce at least 310 Gunpowder.
        • Pay 620 Gunpowder from your storage.
        • Produce at least 470 Platinum.
        • Pay 940 Platinum from your storage.
        • Produce at least 660 Woolen Cloth.
        • Pay 1320 Woolen Cloth from your storage.

        First Recruitment

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Strategy Exercise

        • 21000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 5 Treasure Search (prolonged) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: The Whirlwind.
        • Gather or produce 2100 Coins.
        • Pay 2100 Coins from your storage.

        Second Recruitment

        • 23000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Graduation Ceremony

        • 29000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens

        Third Recruitment

        • 30000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    5. Kingdom Defence

      • 190000 Experience Points
      • 14 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Resource Delivery

        • 45000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 2900 Platinum.
        • Pay 5800 Platinum from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2300 Woolen Cloth.
        • Pay 4600 Woolen Cloth from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2000 Gunpowder.
        • Pay 4000 Gunpowder from your storage.
        • Produce at least 370 Wagons.
        • Pay 740 Wagons from your storage.

        First Recruitment

        • 43000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Strategy Exercise

        • 63000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 6 Treasure Search (prolonged) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: The Whirlwind.
        • Gather or produce 2600 Coins.
        • Pay 2600 Coins from your storage.

        Second Recruitment

        • 65000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Graduation Ceremony

        • 86000 Experience Points
        • 5 Tokens

        Third Recruitment

        • 87000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

    1. Town Construction

      • 530 Experience Points
      • 5 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Architectural Inspiration

        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 4 Adventure Search (short) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: The Dark Priests.
        • Gather or produce 115 Coins.
        • Pay 115 Coins from your storage.

        First Provision

        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Site Security

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Second Provision

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Resources

        • 240 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 2450 Pinewood Planks.
        • Pay 4900 Pinewood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2500 Stones.
        • Pay 5000 Stones from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1250 Tools.
        • Pay 2500 Tools from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1100 Hardwood Planks.
        • Pay 2200 Hardwood Planks from your storage.

        Third Provision

        • 220 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    2. Town Construction

      • 4400 Experience Points
      • 7 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Architectural Inspiration

        • 1100 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 5 Adventure Search (medium) task(s).
        • Complete 1 adventure(s) from the following list: Victor The Vicious.
        • Gather or produce 225 Coins.
        • Pay 225 Coins from your storage.

        First Provision

        • 940 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Site Security

        • 1500 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Second Provision

        • 1400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Resources

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 2650 Tools.
        • Pay 5300 Tools from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2350 Hardwood Planks.
        • Pay 4700 Hardwood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2950 Marble.
        • Pay 5900 Marble from your storage.
        • Produce at least 230 Exotic Wood Planks.
        • Pay 460 Exotic Wood Planks from your storage.

        Third Provision

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    3. Town Construction

      • 25000 Experience Points
      • 9 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Architectural Inspiration

        • 5600 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 4 Adventure Search (long) task(s).
        • Complete 1 adventure(s) from the following list: The Dark Brotherhood.
        • Gather or produce 450 Coins.
        • Pay 450 Coins from your storage.

        First Provision

        • 5800 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Site Security

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

        Second Provision

        • 8700 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Resources

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Produce at least 4400 Tools.
        • Pay 8800 Tools from your storage.
        • Produce at least 4500 Hardwood Planks.
        • Pay 9000 Hardwood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 5500 Marble.
        • Pay 11000 Marble from your storage.
        • Produce at least 460 Exotic Wood Planks.
        • Pay 920 Exotic Wood Planks from your storage.

        Third Provision

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    4. Town Construction

      • 66000 Experience Points
      • 11 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Architectural Inspiration

        • 17000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 4 Adventure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: Ali Baba and the Second Thief.
        • Gather or produce 1450 Coins.
        • Pay 1450 Coins from your storage.

        First Provision

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Construction Site Security

        • 22000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

        Second Provision

        • 21000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Construction Resources

        • 29000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Produce at least 7550 Hardwood Planks.
        • Pay 15100 Hardwood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 8700 Marble.
        • Pay 17400 Marble from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2700 Exotic Wood Planks.
        • Pay 5400 Exotic Wood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 730 Mahogany Planks.
        • Pay 1460 Mahogany Planks from your storage.

        Third Provision

        • 28000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    5. Town Construction

      • 190000 Experience Points
      • 14 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Architectural Inspiration

        • 46000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 4 Adventure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 1 adventure(s) from the following list: Sindbad and the Besieged City.
        • Gather or produce 1900 Coins.
        • Pay 1900 Coins from your storage.

        First Provision

        • 44000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Construction Site Security

        • 63000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens

        Second Provision

        • 66000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Construction Resources

        • 85000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Produce at least 13300 Marble.
        • Pay 26600 Marble from your storage.
        • Produce at least 5600 Exotic Wood Planks.
        • Pay 11200 Exotic Wood Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2250 Mahogany Planks.
        • Pay 4500 Mahogany Planks from your storage.
        • Produce at least 9550 Granite.
        • Pay 19100 Granite from your storage.

        Third Provision

        • 85000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

    1. Archaeological Excavation

      • 530 Experience Points
      • 5 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Site Preparation

        • 120 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Produce at least 225 Simple Paper.
        • Pay 450 Simple Paper from your storage.
        • Produce at least 170 Nibs.
        • Pay 340 Nibs from your storage.
        • Produce at least 2450 Coal.
        • Pay 4900 Coal from your storage.

        First Dig

        • 110 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Excavation Volunteers

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Second Dig

        • 180 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Archaeological Expedition

        • 240 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 16 Treasure Search (medium) task(s).
        • Complete 4 adventure(s) from the following list: The Grain Conflict.
        • Gather or produce 230 Coins.
        • Pay 230 Coins from your storage.

        Third Dig

        • 230 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    2. Archaeological Excavation

      • 4300 Experience Points
      • 7 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Site Preparation

        • 980 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
        • Produce at least 120 Intermediate Paper.
        • Pay 240 Intermediate Paper from your storage.
        • Produce at least 115 Printing Press Letters.
        • Pay 230 Printing Press Letters from your storage.
        • Produce at least 6500 Coal.
        • Pay 13000 Coal from your storage.

        First Dig

        • 950 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Excavation Volunteers

        • 1500 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Second Dig

        • 1400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Archaeological Expedition

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 12 Treasure Search (long) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: The Grain Conflict.
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: Heart of the Wood.
        • Gather or produce 450 Coins.
        • Pay 450 Coins from your storage.

        Third Dig

        • 1900 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens
    3. Archaeological Excavation

      • 25000 Experience Points
      • 9 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Site Preparation

        • 5800 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 125 Advanced Paper.
        • Pay 250 Advanced Paper from your storage.
        • Produce at least 90 Book Fittings.
        • Pay 180 Book Fittings from your storage.
        • Produce at least 16500 Coal.
        • Pay 33000 Coal from your storage.

        First Dig

        • 5600 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Excavation Volunteers

        • 8800 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Second Dig

        • 8400 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Archaeological Expedition

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 4 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 8 Treasure Search (very long) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Heart of the Wood.
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Riches of the Mountain.
        • Gather or produce 890 Coins.
        • Pay 890 Coins from your storage.

        Third Dig

        • 11000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    4. Archaeological Excavation

      • 67000 Experience Points
      • 11 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Site Preparation

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 470 Advanced Paper.
        • Pay 940 Advanced Paper from your storage.
        • Produce at least 175 Book Fittings.
        • Pay 350 Book Fittings from your storage.
        • Produce at least 42000 Coal.
        • Pay 84000 Coal from your storage.

        First Dig

        • 15000 Experience Points
        • 1 Tokens

        Excavation Volunteers

        • 23000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

        Second Dig

        • 22000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Archaeological Expedition

        • 30000 Experience Points
        • 5 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 7 Treasure Search (prolonged) task(s).
        • Complete 2 adventure(s) from the following list: Storm Recovery.
        • Gather or produce 2800 Coins.
        • Pay 2800 Coins from your storage.

        Third Dig

        • 29000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
    5. Archaeological Excavation

      • 200000 Experience Points
      • 14 Tokens

      Time limit: 6 days 23 hours

      • Complete all subquests.

        Site Preparation

        • 45000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens
        • Produce at least 1450 Advanced Paper.
        • Pay 2900 Advanced Paper from your storage.
        • Produce at least 1100 Book Fittings.
        • Pay 2200 Book Fittings from your storage.
        • Produce at least 100000 Coal.
        • Pay 200000 Coal from your storage.

        First Dig

        • 44000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Excavation Volunteers

        • 62000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens

        Second Dig

        • 67000 Experience Points
        • 2 Tokens

        Archaeological Expedition

        • 84000 Experience Points
        • 6 Tokens
        • Have your specialists complete 8 Treasure Search (prolonged) task(s).
        • Complete 3 adventure(s) from the following list: Storm Recovery.
        • Gather or produce 3700 Coins.
        • Pay 3700 Coins from your storage.

        Third Dig

        • 88000 Experience Points
        • 3 Tokens


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