Daily Login Reward
Starting at level 5, the game rewards consecutive daily logins; the reward on the 7th day is 100 Gems. The sequence restarts on the 8th day – or if you do not to log in for a day.
Level 5-19
- 30Pinewood27.8%
- 50Pinewood16.7%
- 80Pinewood5.6%
- 50Stones27.8%
- 70Stones16.7%
- 100Stones5.6%
- 80Copper Ore27.8%
- 100Copper Ore16.7%
- 120Copper Ore5.6%
- 50Tools27.8%
- 70Tools16.7%
- 100Tools5.6%
- 100Hardwood40%
- 120Hardwood20%
- 50Coal26.7%
- 70Coal13.3%
- 20Brew27.8%
- 35Brew16.7%
- 50Brew5.6%
- 20Bows27.8%
- 30Bows16.7%
- 40Bows5.6%
- 30Bronze29.4%
- 40Bronze17.6%
- 50Bronze5.9%
- 150Marble29.4%
- 200Marble11.8%
- 300Marble5.9%
- 10Coins30%
- 20Coins10%
- 30Coins10%
- 40Bronze Swords30%
- 80Bronze Swords20%
You receive 100 Gems on the 7th day.
Level 20
- 100Marble27.8%
- 150Marble16.7%
- 200Marble5.6%
- 100Hardwood Planks27.8%
- 150Hardwood Planks16.7%
- 200Hardwood Planks5.6%
- 150Fill up Iron Deposit27.8%
- 250Fill up Iron Deposit16.7%
- 350Fill up Iron Deposit5.6%
- 100Tools27.8%
- 200Tools16.7%
- 300Tools5.6%
- 100Coal27.8%
- 150Coal16.7%
- 200Coal5.6%
- 50Bronze Swords27.8%
- 80Bronze Swords16.7%
- 100Bronze Swords5.6%
- 40Brew27.8%
- 60Brew16.7%
- 80Brew5.6%
- 10Settlers27.8%
- 20Settlers16.7%
- 30Settlers5.6%
- 50Longbows26.3%
- 80Longbows15.8%
- 100Iron Ore26.3%
- 150Iron Ore15.8%
- 10Steel10.5%
- 15Steel5.3%
- 10Coins33.3%
- 30Coins16.7%
- 40Iron Swords33.3%
- 80Iron Swords16.7%
You receive 100 Gems on the 7th day.
Level 21+
Day | Reward |
1 | 2 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 3 |
6 | 4 |
7 | 100 |