Delicious Treat
Bundle Content
- 1× Improved Floating Residence
- 1× Magnificent Watermill
- 1× Archeological Geologist
- 1× Candid Explorer
- 1× 1 Premium day
- 2× 3 Premium days
- 1× Prestigious Friend Buff
- 5000 Fill up any Deposit
- 1000 Iron
- 1000 Saltpetre
- 1000 Titanium
- 1000 Granite
- 1000 Grout
- 2× Medipack
- 5× Rain of Flaming Arrows
- 5× Ballista
- 5× Fairy Fire
- 5× Fairy Light
- 5× Bag of Rainbow Snow
- 5× Elixir
- 5× Barazek