The Grain Conflict: Items
Repair Kit
With this repair kit you should be able to restore the "Grain House" to its former glory. Maybe then, brewers and bakers will feel comfortable enough to actually start negotiating again.
- Target
- Grain house
- Target zone
- Adventures
- Tradable
- No
- Producible
- Yes
Provision House
- 100
- 5
Production time (per building level)
- 5 minutes (1)
- 2:30 minutes (2)
- 1:40 minutes (3)
- 1:15 minutes (4)
- 1 minute (5)
- 50 seconds (6)
- 43 seconds (7)
Rarity Provision House
- 100
- 5
Production time: 1 minute
Tasty Bread
This bread is so tasty, it will even convince the brewer masters that a good brew will only become superb if accompanied by this.
- Target
- Brewery guild house
- Target zone
- Adventures
- Tradable
- No
- Producible
- Yes
Provision House
- 35
- 1
Production time (per building level)
- 1:40 minutes (1)
- 50 seconds (2)
- 33 seconds (3)
- 25 seconds (4)
- 20 seconds (5)
- 17 seconds (6)
- 14 seconds (7)
Rarity Provision House
- 35
- 1
Production time: 20 seconds
Special Brew
This marvel of brew mastery should convince even the neighbouring bakery guild that grain used on this beverage is in no way wasted.
- Target
- Bakery guild house
- Target zone
- Adventures
- Tradable
- No
- Producible
- Yes
Provision House
- 35
- 1
Production time (per building level)
- 1:40 minutes (1)
- 50 seconds (2)
- 33 seconds (3)
- 25 seconds (4)
- 20 seconds (5)
- 17 seconds (6)
- 14 seconds (7)
Rarity Provision House
- 35
- 1
Production time: 20 seconds
Diplomats' Feast
With this diplomats' feast, no negotiation will go wrong! Use it to help the brewers and bakers finalize their negotiations.
- Target
- Grain house
- Target zone
- Adventures
- Tradable
- No
- Producible
- Yes