Settlers & Bandits: Items
Settlers & Bandits Rulebooks
A stack of rulebooks for the coal-and-paper game "Settlers & Bandits". There's enough books for a lot of people here! Needed to progress through the quest "Settlers & Bandits".
- Target
- Mayor's house
- Target zone
- Home island
- Tradable
- Yes
- Producible
- Yes
Provision House
- 2500
- 50
Production time (per building level)
- 2 hours (1)
- 1 hour (2)
- 40 minutes (3)
- 30 minutes (4)
- 24 minutes (5)
- 20 minutes (6)
- 17:09 minutes (7)
Rarity Provision House
- 2500
- 50
Production time: 24 minutes
20-sided Dice pack
A bunch of 20-sided dice to use in the game "Settlers & Bandits". They come in a variety of colours and sizes. Needed to progress through the quest "Settlers & Bandits".
- Target
- Mayor's house
- Target zone
- Home island
- Tradable
- Yes
- Producible
- Yes