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Skill Achievements

  • Librarian

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Produce 100 manuscripts.

  • Archivist

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Produce 50 tomes.

  • Collector

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Produce 20 codexes.

  • Grand Master

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Have 1 fully specialised specialist.

  • The Council

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Have 5 fully specialised specialists.

  • Surplus!

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Teach your geologists the highest rank of all "Surplus" skills. (Copper Mining, Gold Mining, Iron Mining).

  • Double Trouble

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Teach your geologists the highest rank of all "Two in one" skills. (Marble, Iron, Coal).

  • Naturally

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Teach your geologists the highest rank of all "Natural Vein" skills. (Copper, Stone, Marble, Gold).

  • Fast Gains

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Teach your explorers the highest rank of all skills that shorten treasure searches.

  • The Erudite

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Teach an explorer the skill "Travelling Erudite".

  • Refreshments!

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Teach an explorer the skill "Bean-A-Colada".

  • Adventurer

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Teach your explorers the highest rank of all skills that improve adventure searches.

  • Woodsman

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Teach your explorers the highest rank of all skills involving exotic wood.

  • Rock Gatherer

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Teach your explorers the highest rank of all skills that increase the chance of gaining stone resources.

  • Metal Mustering

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Teach your explorers the highest rank of all skills involving titanium ore.

  • Speedster

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Teach your combat generals the highest rank of all skills that speed up certain tasks.

  • Making a Splash

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Teach your generals the highest rank of all skills that make units deal splash damage.

  • Range Specialist

    • 75 Achievement Points

    Teach your combat generals the highest rank of all skills that improve offense or heavy units.

  • Generalist Generals

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Teach your generals the highest rank of all skills that improve their entire army in battle.

  • Navigation Specialist

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Teach your quartermasters the highest rank of all skills that reduce their travel time.

  • Logistics Specialist

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Teach your quartermasters the highest rank of all skills that increase unit capacity.


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