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Mission Achievements

  • The Spoils of War

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete your first mission

  • Force Exploration

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete 10 missions

  • The Endless Campaign

    • 90 Achievement Points
    • 200 Gems

    Complete 100 missions

  • Land-lovers Win

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 missions against pirates

  • Breaking the Cult

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 missions against cultists

  • Repaying a Debt

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 missions against mercenaries

  • Bandit Bungle

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 missions against bandits

  • Brawling with Barbarians

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 missions against barbarians

  • Planning the Campaign

    • 30 Achievement Points

    Have at least 5 missions in your star menu

  • Time Abroad

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Play more than 50 hours of missions

  • Remember Your Roots!

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Play more than 1,000 hours of missions

  • Upstart Adventurer

    • 40 Achievement Points
    • 200 Exotic Wood

    Complete the following common missions at least once: The Island Of The Pirates, Witch of the Swamp, Horseback, Traitors, Stealing From The Rich, The Dark Priests.

  • Making a Name

    • 60 Achievement Points
    • 200 Granite

    Complete the following uncommon missions at least once: Outlaws, Old Friends, Sons Of The Veld, Bandit Nest, Gunpowder, The Lost Skull, Tropical Sun.

  • Rugged Veteran

    • 80 Achievement Points
    • 200 Gems

    Complete the following rare missions at least once: Victor The Vicious, Motherly Love, The Nords, Secluded Experiments, Surprise Attack.

  • The Fight of Ages

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 200 Gems

    Complete the following epic missions at least once: The Black Knights, Roaring Bull, The Dark Brotherhood.

  • Arabian Knight

    • 120 Achievement Points
    • 1001 Gems

    Complete all "Arabian Nights" missions at least once.

The Lost Skull

  • "Yo ho ho…

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Lost Skull" in less than 8 hours.

  • … and a bottle of rum!"

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "The Lost Skull" in less than 2 hours.

  • Sharp Cutlasses

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Lost Skull" while losing fewer than 100 recruits.

  • Horses Can't Swim

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Lost Skull" without using any cavalry.

Tropical Sun

  • The Sloop

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Tropical Sun" in less than 8 hours.

  • Hurricane

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Tropical Sun" in less than 2 hours.

  • Pirates Rule

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Tropical Sun" while losing less than 50 recruits.

  • No Boarding!

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Tropical Sun" while losing less than 210 units.

The Dark Priests

  • Fast Ritual

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Priests" in less than 8 hours.

  • Hex of Speed

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "The Dark Priests" in less than 2 hours.

  • Incorruptible Minds

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Priests" while only losing recruits.

  • Close-Up Blessings

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Priests" without using any ranged units.

  • Bring the Big Guns

    Complete "The Dark Priests" without using recruits, militia, bowmen or cavalry.

Island Of The Pirates

  • Tailwind

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Island of the Pirates" in less than 8 hours.

  • Seaside Drive-By

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Island of the Pirates" in less than 2 hours.

  • Merry Recruits

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Island of the Pirates" while losing less than 400 recruits.

  • Thousands of Them

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Complete "Island of the Pirates" using only recruits.

Witch of the Swamp

  • Nobody Expects …

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Witch of the Swamp" in less than 8 hours.

  • The Inquisition

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Witch of the Swamp" in less than 2 hours.

  • No Cursed Arrows

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Witch of the Swamp" while losing less than 100 bowmen.

  • Overkill

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Complete "Witch of the Swamp" without using any soldiers.


  • Riding Hard

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Horseback" in less than 8 hours.

  • The Blitz

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Horseback" in less than 2 hours.

  • Better Riders

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Horseback" without losing any cavalry.

  • Longer Spikes

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Horseback" while losing less than 400 recruits.

  • Bring more Big Guns

    Complete "Horseback" without using recruits, militia, bowmen or cavalry.


  • The Fast Noose

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Traitors" in less than 12 hours.

  • Judge, Jury and …

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Traitors" in less than 3 hours.

  • Precious Horses

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Traitors" without losing any cavalry.

  • The Posy

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Traitors" while losing less than 200 soldiers.

  • They Stole our Horses

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Traitors" without using any cavalry.

  • Defense On Strike

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • Education Tribute

    Complete "Traitors" without using recruits, militia, soldiers or elite soldiers.

Stealing From The Rich

  • Rich but Careless

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Stealing From The Rich" in less than 18 hours.

  • "They were rich"

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Stealing From The Rich" in less than 6 hours.

  • Poor Men, Better Fighters

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Stealing From The Rich" while losing less than 100 soldiers.

  • Slowly But Surely

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Stealing From The Rich" without using any cavalry.


  • Quick Draw

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Outlaws" in less than 18 hours.

  • Blazing Guns

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Outlaws" in less than 6 hours.

  • Hired Guns

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Outlaws" while losing less than 550 recruits.

  • Double Barrels

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Outlaws" while losing less than 2000 units.

Sons Of The Veld

  • The Hunt

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Sons Of The Veld" in less than 40 hours.

  • The Ambush

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Sons Of The Veld" in less than 10 hours.

  • Thin Red Line

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Sons Of The Veld" while losing less than 1300 recruits.

  • Just The Basics

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete "Sons Of The Veld" without using any crossbowmen, elite soldiers or cannoneers.

Bandit Nest

  • A Robbery

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Bandit Nest" in less than 12 hours

  • The Heist

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Bandit Nest" in less than 3 hours

  • Untouchable

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Bandit Nest" while losing less than 500 recruits

  • The March

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Win "Bandit Nest" without using any cavalry


  • Explosive Consequences

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Gunpowder" in less than 40 hours.

  • Havoc

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Gunpowder" in less than 10 hours.

  • Just a Spark

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Complete "Gunpowder" while losing less than 500 recruits.

  • Spooked Horses

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "Gunpowder" without using any cavalry.

  • Sitting on a Powder Keg

The Nords

  • Loki's Trickery

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Nords" in less than 8 hours.

  • Odin's Son

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "The Nords" in less than 2 hours.

  • Anti-Raid

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Nords" without losing any soldier.

  • Expert Raid

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Nords" without using any militia.

Surprise Attack

  • Fast as Lightning

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Surprise Attack" in less than 12 hours.

  • Faster than Lightning

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Surprise Attack" in less than 3 hours.

  • From All Sides

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Surprise Attack" while losing fewer than 1750 troops.

  • Well Executed

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Complete "Surprise Attack" without using any militia.

Victor The Vicious

  • Simply Vicious

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Victor The Vicious" in less than 18 hours.

  • "Vicious" is my Middle Name

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Victor The Vicious" in less than 6 hours.

  • Victor the Peaceful

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Complete "Victor The Vicious" while losing less than 500 recruits.

  • Massing Armies

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Complete "Victor The Vicious" without using any soldiers.

Secluded Experiments

  • Fast Incursion

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Secluded Experiments" in less than 40 hours.

  • Catalyst

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Secluded Experiments" in less than 10 hours.

  • Madmen

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Complete "Secluded Experiments" while losing less than 3500 recruits.

  • Togetherness

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Secluded Experiments" while losing fewer than 4000 troops.

  • Soldiers and Cannons?

    Complete "Secluded Experiments" without using recruits, militia, bowmen or longbowmen.

Old Friends

  • Good Friends

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Old Friends" in less than 8 hours.

  • Great Friends

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Granite

    Complete "Old Friends" in less than 2 hours.

  • Not So Fast

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Old Friends" without using any cavalry.

  • Close Friends

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Complete "Old Friends" without using any ranged units.

Motherly Love

  • Home Cooking

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Mother Love" in less than 8 hours.

  • Loveless

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Mother Love" in less than 2 hours.

  • Save Your Arrows

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Mother Love" while losing less than 350 bowmen.

  • Shorter Bows Same Arrows

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Mother Love" without using any longbowmen.

The Black Knights

  • The Lance

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Black Knights" in less than 12 hours.

  • The Arrow

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "The Black Knights" in less than 3 hours.

  • Fearless

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Black Knights" while losing fewer than 600 troops.

  • The Joust

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Black Knights" without using any crossbowmen or cannoneers.

Roaring Bull

  • Roar of Thunder

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "Roaring Bull" in less than 12 hours.

  • Bull Rush

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "Roaring Bull" in less than 3 hours.

  • Diversion Tactics

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Roaring Bull" while losing fewer than 2000 troops.

  • Getting the Horns

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "Roaring Bull" without using any crossbowmen or cannoneers.

  • A Coin Saved is a Coin Earned

    Complete "Roaring Bull" only using bowmen and cavalry.

The Dark Brotherhood

  • Fast Enlistment

    • 40 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Brotherhood" in less than 15 hours.

  • Join the Club

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 150 Exotic Wood

    Complete "The Dark Brotherhood" in less than 5 hours.

  • Brotherhood Effort

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Brotherhood" while losing fewer than 600 troops.

  • Cold Darkness

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Complete "The Dark Brotherhood" without using any crossbowmen or cannoneers.

  • No Guts, No Glory

    Complete "The Dark Brotherhood" only using bowmen and cavalry.

The Heroic Little Tailor

  • No Pawn Sacrifice

    Complete "The Heroic Little Tailor" without using recruits, militia or bowmen.

Ali Baba and the Third Thief

  • Against all Odds

    Complete "Ali Baba and the Third Thief" without using elite units or recruits.

Sindbad and the Sea Snake

  • Time is Coins

    Complete "Sindbad and the Sea Snake" in less than 1 hour.

El Chupacabra

  • ChuuChuu-pacabra

    Complete "El Chupacabra" in less than 1 hour.

The Lost City

  • Mysteries with Obstacles

    Complete "Lost City" using only crossbowmen, swordsmen, mounted marksmen and besiegers.

The People Of The Mountain

  • Mountain Rush More

    Complete "People of the Mountain" in less than 2 hours.

A Giant Battle

  • A Giant Coin

    Complete "A Giant Battle" in less than 1 hour.


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Used to automatically display the content that matches your level in the game.