TSO Wiki.eu

General Achievements

  • Duty first!

    • 30 Achievement Points

    Log in every day for an entire week.

  • Commitment

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Log in every day for an entire month.

  • Hooked

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Played for a whole month.

  • Fan

    • 80 Achievement Points
    • 250 Gems

    Played for 6 months.

  • All in!

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 500 Gems

    Played for a whole year.

  • Apprentice

    • 20 Achievement Points
    • 50 Gems

    Reach level 10.

  • Seasoned

    • 30 Achievement Points
    • 100 Gems

    Reach level 20.

  • Veteran

    • 40 Achievement Points
    • 150 Gems

    Reach level 30.

  • Master

    • 60 Achievement Points
    • 200 Gems

    Reach level 40.

  • Grand Master

    • 80 Achievement Points
    • 250 Gems

    Reach level 50.

  • Explorer

    • 120 Achievement Points
    • 300 Gems

    Reach Level 60.

  • Ambassador

    • 130 Achievement Points
    • 350 Gems

    Reach Level 70.

  • Diplomat

    • 140 Achievement Points
    • 400 Gems

    Reach Level 75.

  • Legate

    • 150 Achievement Points
    • 500 Gems

    Reach Level 80.

  • I survived the Togetherness event

  • Lay of the Land

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Have 55 deposits on your island discovered at the same time (Hint: you may need to use a geologist with the "Lucky Find" skill).

  • Glittering Prizes

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Have 8 gold deposits on your island discovered at the same time.

  • White Cliffs

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Discover all marble deposits on your island.

  • Grand Discovery

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Discover the entire island.

  • Settlement

    • 30 Achievement Points

    Have a population limit of 500.

  • Village

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Have a population limit of 1,500.

  • Town

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Have a population limit of 3,000.

  • Hoarder

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Have 100 non-specialist items in the star menu.

  • Infrastructure

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Build 10 kilometers of roads on your island.

  • Mass Construction

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Have 1 temporary building queue slot.

  • Builder's Boon

    • 130 Achievement Points

    Have 1 permanent building queue slots.

  • Red Mountains

    • 30 Achievement Points

    Have a copper deposit with at least 10,000 units of copper.

  • Black Mountains

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Have a coal deposit with at least 10,000 units of coal.

  • Exotic Discovery

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Discover the new islands.

  • Brown Mountains

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Raise 6 granite deposits to at least 600 units.

  • Grey Mountains

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Raise 4 titanium deposits to at least 600 units.

  • White Mountains

    • 90 Achievement Points

    Raise 4 saltpeter deposits to at least 600 units.

  • The Mustache Club

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Own all explorers from the tavern.

  • The Hat People

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Own all geologists from the tavern.

  • The Funky Bunch

    • 100 Achievement Points
    • 350 Coins

    Buy all specialists from the tavern and have them in your star menu.

  • Their Weight in Gold

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Explorers brought back 1000 gold.

  • The Granite Liaison

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Explorers brought back 1000 granite.

  • Wood Extravaganza

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Explorers brought back 1000 exotic wood.

  • Adventure Time!

    • 100 Achievement Points

    Explorers brought back 20 adventures.

  • Soot Addiction

    • 60 Achievement Points

    Geologists found 100 coal deposits.

  • Oooh! Shiny!

    • 80 Achievement Points

    Geologists found 50 gold deposits.

  • Marble Madness

    • 70 Achievement Points

    Geologists found 200 marble deposits.

  • Alternative Income

    • 20 Achievement Points

    Complete 5 daily quests.

  • Daily Grind

    • 50 Achievement Points

    Complete 100 daily quests.


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